OUR FOCUS In line with our aim to act as a good corporate citizen, we emphasize caring for the protection of the environment and contributing to the community at large. We dedicate ourselves to supporting social welfare services and charitable activities, and looking after our employees’ welfare through the provision of healthcare, safety and a pleasant work environment.

Lei Shing Hong Limited’s Green Finance Framework, established in 2020, demonstrates its corporate commitment to environmentally sustainable development. It aligns with global principles to fund projects that reduce energy use, emissions, and protect ecosystems. Since its adoption, the framework has resulted in several projects across various categories, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainability We believe in environment protection and sustainable development, and we are committed to minimising the adverse impact of our business operations on the environment. READ MORE > Sustainability

We believe in environment protection and sustainable development, and we are committed to minimising the adverse impact of our business operations on the environment.

Noting that buildings represent one of the largest consumers of energy and sources of pollution, Lei Shing Hong Limited is committed to complying at all times with environmental regulations and requirements related to its operations and development activities. We have also adopted a Green Building approach in developing and maintaining our facilities. The following are examples of such Green features visible in our latest showrooms:

- Rooftop Solar Panels
- Rainwater Filtering System for Plants
- Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures
- LED Lightings
- Greenery

Our buildings’ environmental performance is benchmarked against international standards, and we have attained the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certifications issued by the US Green Building Council for our facilities in Chinese Mainland:

LSH Plaza, Shanghai (Silver Level of LEED Certification) – February 2017

Community We actively contribute in helping and supporting emergency relief in the wake of significant unfortunate events, and have made equipment and monetary donations to affected provinces and areas. READ MORE > Community

We actively contribute in helping and supporting emergency relief in the wake of significant unfortunate events, and have made equipment and monetary donations to affected provinces and areas. In recent years, the LSH Machinery team mobilized CAT machines and equipment to relieve earthquakes, landslides and avalanches in both Chinese Mainland and Taiwan Region, and participated in programmes to help with affected and underprivileged children.

Since 2013, the LSH Machinery team has made quarterly visits to orphanages in Kunshan and Shanghai and provided food and clean water. Similarly, under the theme “Light up the Future”, the LSH Automobile team in Chinese Mainland provides care for sick children and promotes university-enterprise cooperation to train auto specialists for the automobile industry.

The South Korea division of LSH Automobile is another example of our efforts in social welfare. Its Mercedes-Benz business has partnered with other local entities on projects, which encourages aspiring artists who lack financial means to develop their potential and truly fulfil their ambitions. Moreover, its Porsche business has made cumulative donations to the Seoul Association Welfare Institute for the Disabled and other charities promoting positive change.

People Internally, we recognise that to remain successful, we must make every effort to ensure employee welfare and improve the quality of life of each member of our organisation. READ MORE > People

Internally, we recognise that to remain successful, we must make every effort to ensure employee welfare and improve the quality of life of each member of our organisation. Lei Shing Hong develops and retains experienced, skilled, motivated and dedicated staff. Besides emphasising recruitment and retention programmes, we have a training and motivation programme to positively boost our existing staff’s capabilities.

We provide career development paths for our employees, as well as management training and professional courses for our staff. It is of utmost importance that we not only provide a pleasant work environment but also the safest one possible to ensure our employees’ best performance and highest job satisfaction.

33 HOPE SCHOOLS In Chinese Mainland, the Beijing Lei Shing Hong Charity Foundation (the “Foundation”) was set up in 2010 to promote education, and since then 33 Hope Schools have been constructed with the foundation’s support and LSH Property division’s participation.

Towards the end of 2016, a further collaboration between the Foundation and the Beijing Hyacinth Child Care Centre was realised, helping the underprivileged through the donation of over 13,300 copies of a calendar designed and illustrated by young children.
33Hope Schools
10,000+Students Benfited