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超過 0 名員工
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關於利星行 國際綜合企業集團,總部設於香港特別行政區,擁有300多個地區辦事處,業務覆蓋全球10個市場。
關於我們 我們不斷砥礪前行,更視員工為重要的資產,與員工戮力同心,以客為先,共同為客戶不同的需求帶來最佳的選擇。 探索更多 >
我們的歷史 我們成長路上有多個重要里程碑,標誌著我們一步步發展成為多元化、服務多個市場及以客戶為中心的綜合集團。 探索更多 >
最新消息 更多 >
9月 20日 2024年 LSH Credit UK supporting the local nature park The LSH Credit UK team were delighted to spend the day working at the Mersey Vale Nature Park in Stockport, near Manchester, and supporting the local community. 更多 >
8月 20日 2024年 LSH Credit Australia: Helping seriously ill and injured children and their families The full LSH Credit Australia team joined forces and participated in a telethon-style fundraising event for Ronald McDonald House (“RMH”). 更多 >
3月 19日 2024年 卡特彼勒集團總裁到訪利星行機械昆山總部 2024年3月18日,卡特彼勒集團總裁Bob De Lange到訪利星行機械昆山總部,雙方正式見面並進行了愉快的會談和交流。 更多 >
1月 31日 2024年 STERNAUTO Group opens first BYD Store in Berlin 更多 >
12月 15日 2023年 利星行能源榮獲2023年度分佈式能源優秀項目技術創新獎 利星行能源參評的“智慧能源平臺”在第十九届分佈式能源國際論壇獲得了“技術創新獎。 更多 >
LSH Credit UK supporting the local nature park 2024-09-20 金融服務

The LSH Credit UK team were delighted to spend the day working at the Mersey Vale Nature Park in Stockport, near Manchester, and supporting the local community.

Mersey Vale Nature Park is a local nature reserve operated by Stockport Council. It provides a habitat for a range of local wildlife and green spaces for the local community. It also houses a large orchard, which provides liveable space for wildlife, cools the urban environment and helps prevent flooding during periods of significant rainfall (not uncommon around Manchester).

This is the second time we have worked at the nature park. Last year, we worked to fertilise and prune the orchard trees. This year, we tackled a large overgrown area, cutting back brambles and dead trees to provide more clear space. After a fruitful day, the team cleared a large space which can now be used for other nature park initiatives.

LSH Credit Australia: Helping seriously ill and injured children and their families 2024-08-20 金融服務

The full LSH Credit Australia team joined forces and participated in a telethon-style fundraising event for Ronald McDonald House (“RMH”). RMH is a charity that supports sick kids and their families whilst they are receiving treatment at the nearby hospitals. When a child is diagnosed with a serious illness, it impacts the whole family and lives can be turned upside down. RMH provides a range of programmes to help families stay together and be close to the care they need. Families of such disadvantaged children are grappling with more than any of us can imagine. Keeping them close is the most important step in helping families cope through the stress, trauma and financial strain of caring for their child.

The day started with some impactful stories told from the families who have been with the programme, which provided the team motivation to work as hard as possible for their cause. For the event itself the LSH Credit teams reached out to our extensive networks with the aim of raising as much money as possible. We took to the challenge with a great buzz in the House. We are pleased to report that the team was involved in raising over A$50,000 for the children and their families.

卡特彼勒集團總裁到訪利星行機械昆山總部 2024-03-19 機械

2024年3月18日,卡特彼勒集團總裁Bob De Lange到訪利星行機械昆山總部,利星行機械集團董事長傅耀生及團隊成員迎接Bob一行,雙方正式見面並進行了愉快的會談和交流。



STERNAUTO Group opens first BYD Store in Berlin 2024-01-31 汽車

STERNAUTO Group has opened its first BYD Store in Berlin at Brunsbütteler Damm 65, Berlin.

At the opening event on 31 January, business partners, guests and customers were introduced to the five latest BYD models from BYD Germany.

STERNAUTO Group has exclusive rights to sell BYD in eastern Germany and the new showroom is a move to make the brand more accessible to customers as well as to introduce the EV maker’s incredible yet affordable technology to more Germans.

The 500 sqm BYD Store in Berlin will feature all of the five latest models available in Germany.

Find out more about STERNAUTO Group.

利星行能源榮獲2023年度分佈式能源優秀項目技術創新獎 2023-12-15 機械

2023年12月12日,第十九届分佈式能源國際論壇在山城重慶召開,本次論壇由中國能源研究會分佈式能源專委會、中國能源網主辦,卡特彼勒聯合主辦。 圍繞“構建分佈式能源新業態,助力新型能源體系建設”這一主題,大會邀請了中國能源研究協會、重慶市能源局、卡特彼勒等業界專家和學者從形勢、挑戰、經驗、建議等多方面深度剖析了新形勢對我國分佈式能源發展的影響,以及行業的未來發展趨勢和前景。



本次大會取得圓滿成功,分佈式能源建設發展從政策推動轉向市場推動的行程中任重道遠。 未來,利星行能源將不遺餘力,積極推動技術創新,與行業融合發展,為創造分佈式能源多方共贏的大環境貢獻力量。
